
Defiance Guru Guide Review

Defiance Guru Guide Review

In this post i´m going to take a look at the key parts that you will need to keep an eye on if you want to progress in Defiance.

There are 3 main parts of the game when you are talking about progression or leveling and these are EGO Rating, Weapon Experience and EGO Points. Your EGO rating will unlock perk slots and inventory slots as well as dungeons. The EGO points will unlock perks and and EGO powers.

Weapon experience will improve the skill that you have with weapons. The main aspect of leveling is your EGO rating as when this goes up it affects everything else. You need to get your EGO rating up to unlock perks slots but more importantly as you progress is that you will unlock more content such as matchmaking with your rating.

So if there were a “leveling” system in Defiance your EGO rating would be the progress you are making.

EGO points are unlocked as you get more XP and these points can be spent on perks via the EGO grid. A good way to make sure your points are moving up as they should is to get involved in content such as Arkfalls early on as this can give you a huge boost.

Weapon experience is also a big part of the game and this will build up over time depending on how much you use a weapon type. You will want to try and find a weapon you are comfortable with early on as when you reach the experience cap for the weapon you will get bonus stats.

The main thing that you should concentrate on as soon as the game launches in EGO rating as that will directly affect all of the other areas and is the most rewarding over all.

You can get your EGO rating up by completing the main story missions and also taking part in as many live events such as Arkfalls that you can when you start the game!

For A COMPLETE Strategy Guide Covering Weapons, EGO Powers, Perks And Mission Guides Head Over To: