
Relik Battlefield 3 Guide - Power Leveling In Bf 3

So Battlefield 3 has been out for quite some time now (at least when you consider the pace with which things move in the gaming world) Countless hours have been valuably "invested" worldwide into one of the most entertaining online shooters of all time.

We have also seen a number of BF3 multiplayer guides spring up, all of them being targeted at players really wanting to up their game and take it to the next level.
Today I am going to give you a Relik Battlefield 3 guide review. Over time I have come to like this guide more and more, and actually think it takes the mantle as the best BF3 strategy guide (infinitely better than any "official" or authorized guide I might add)

Relik Battlefield 3 guide was the first of the digital BF3 strategy guides, and as the saying goes, "with age comes experience." The biggest draw card of Relik is the great quality of the instructions, tips and strategies for improving your score when playing Battlefield 3. It really is useful information that would take you hours and hours of experimenting to find for yourself (and time is money after all)

At the same time, Relik Battlefield 3 guide is hugely slick and polished. It is a professional product, and you will have no doubt about it when you see the guide for yourself.

Beginner BF3 players will probably benefit the most from the strategies in Relik; advanced players will still find some useful advice and strategies, but it is not as comprehensive for experienced gamers.

The strategies and tips in the guide are all nicely balanced to reflect the subtle differences that arise from playing on either 360, PS3, or PC. There aren't any strategies that are specific to any one platform, so it's nice to be able to use Relik's strategies regardless of what system you are using.

Now there are some point where Relik BF3 guide does fall short, so let me cover those as well:

- I don't actually like eBooks/digital guides as much as physical products, just because there isn't that "tangible feel" (although this is really just me being picky)

- The video sections could be a bit higher quality - they aren't bad by any means, but they could be better.

- After sales support could also be better. If you have a question, comment, or concern it can take quite a while for the Relik support team to get back to you (they were actually a lot quicker when the product first came out) However, this is not too much of a problem as you are unlikely to have any difficulty with the guide anyway.

If you want to improve your Battlefield 3 skills and start playing more like a pro then I really do suggest you buy Relik. It's not like you're risking anything in any case, as you get a 60 day money-back guarantee if you aren't satisfied.

Check out Relik BF3 guide for yourself today.

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