
Black Ops 2 Guru – Do You Need A Guide To Be Good At Black Ops 2?

Black Ops 2 Guru – Do You Need A Guide To Be Good At Black Ops 2?

In this article we will be looking at Call of Duty Black Ops 2 which is quite a difficult game to get to grips with and a new guide that has been released that is getting some awesome feedback.

The question is:

“Do you need a guide to be good at Black Ops 2 online?”

The answer is of course NO!

However, bear with me – although you don’t need a guide to be good at the game if you want to compete online it can take you hours of practice.

You can learn all of that yourself BUT it will take a long time!

The problem is that if you are new and running around the maps trying to kill the other team you will be making the same mistakes time and time again like the wrong load outs, not taking full advantage of the maps and general gameplay reaction errors.

This will improve over time but if you have a pro sit down with you and tell what you need to do to become a better player this can improve your game fast!

So the answer is that you don’t need a guide BUT if you want to become a better player fast it can really help.

Black Ops 2 Guru helps as it gives you written guides that will improve your gameplay but also HD videos that will make you a better player fast!

The videos really help you to become a better player as you can SEE the skills you need to start dominating and just copy along.

Black Ops 2 Guru is for you if you are sick of getting beaten all the time on the game!

Check it out here

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 – What It Takes To Be A Good Player?

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 – What It Takes To Be A Good Player?

If you want to be a good player on Black Ops 2 there is no substitute for a lot of practice. However if you simply spend hours on the game you might not improve as much as you want too!

You need to know a few key points that will make your game better.

We are going to talk about some areas of the game that you NEED to improve if you want to be a good player at Call of Duty Black Ops 2.

Number 1: Know The Maps

I know this is a pain BUT if you want to be able to challenge anyone online at COD Black Ops 2 you need to know the maps through and through. If you don’t you may find that you will get beaten at every turn. Of course knowing the maps helps more with the team games and in some instances you will have a HUGE advantage however it also helps with Free For All as well.

The main reason for this is that the map you are on will govern your load outs, your weapons and the way you play.

The quickest way to get to grips with the maps is to set up a game with your friends and go through every map until you get a good idea of the layout.

Almost tying in with this is:

Number 2: Know Your Weapons

You need to know the weapons to use on each map. Most newbies will end up getting beaten as they will take a sniper gun into a close knit, high action map and vice-versa and this will just end in you losing!

Quick Tip: If you find yourself not sure on the weapons go for the SMG as most of the maps are close knit.

Number 3: Learn From The Best!

Of course this is a good idea! But the problem is finding someone that is good at Black Ops 2 and more than this finding someone that will teach you!

You won’t find someone that will give away all their secrets!

Well that is until now!

There is a guide for Black Ops 2 Guru which gives you HD videos, written guides and tells you EXACTLY how to dominate the game very quickly!

If you are looking to speed track your way to being a better player you need to check out Black Ops 2 Guru today